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Wen-Hwa Cheng


Current Position

2009.8-, National Formosa University, Assistant Professor of Department of Multimedia Design, Director of Publication & Academic Development Division of Academic Affairs Office

1. 1997, MFA(Master of Fine Arts), Rochester Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Computer Graphics Design, USA.
2. 1992, BB (Bachelor of Business), Chung-Yuan Christian University, Department of Commercial Design

User-Centered Design, Interactive Multimedia Design, Web-Title Design and Development, Graphic User Interface Design,Communication Design,Virtual Reality

1. 2005.8-2009.8, National Formosa University, Lecturer, Department of Multimedia Design
2. 2003, AICA TAIWAN(International Association of Art Critics, Taiwan), Executive Secretary.
3. 2000-2003, Cradle Technology Corporation, Senior Multimedia Designer, New Product Development Division
4. 1999, i-Art Corporation, Department of Research & Development, Senior Multimedia Designer
5. 1997-1999, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Associate Engineer & Project Leader, Computer & Communication Research Labs, ATC (Advanced Technology Center), Virtual Reality Division
6. 1993-1994, Taiwan External Trade Development Council, Specialist, Design Promotion Center.

1. 2009, Sensory Awareness: Interactive Installation, Chunghua County. June 19~29
2. 2006, Conversation with Memory, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan County, Nov. 01~19
3. 2006, The Truth of Memory, Cultural Affairs Bureau, YunlinCounty, Sep. 20~Oct. 1

Cheng, W.H. (2009). A Study of the Development of Networks, Media and Society, International
Journal of Organizational Innovation, 1(3), pp48-pp65
Cheng, W.H. & Shieh, C. J. (2008), A Study of the Management of Resources and Security of Campus Networks, International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 1(2), pp2-pp17
Chuang, S.C., Cheng, W.H. (2008). A Study on Shorten the Gap of User Interface between Traditional Game and Interactive Installation Game,2008 International Conference for the Visuality Of Future, Dayeh University, P141-155

1. 2009, The Visibility and Usability of Web Design: Design Theory and Practice, ISBN 978-986-7652-74-4 (Language: Chinese)
2. 2005, Between Visual and Interaction: The User Interface of Interactive Media: Theory and Practice, ISBN 986-80803-1-2
(Language: Chinese)

Course Certificate
1. 2008,Virtools Course.
2. 2007, IPTV Course
3. 2007, The Training Course of Seed Teacher for 2008 Ministry of Education Art and Design Outstanding Student Oversea training Program, Taiwan Digital Media Association

Qualification Certificate
1. 2008, The National Technical Certification of Web Design
2. 2008, Certiport Credential for Adobe Certified Associate
3. 2008, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Visual Communication Photoshop CS3 Certificate

1. 2008, 將 (Interactive Media), Merit Award, Taiwan Digital Media Association
2. 2008, The 26th Taoyuan Art Awards, Visual Design, Shortlist, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan County
3. 2007, e-Learning Teaching Material Awards of National Formosa, Merit Award, e-Learning Center of Academic Affairs Office